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Fall 2024 Webinar Series presented by The Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Full schedule can be found here: https://www.ahead.org/events-programming/webinars/2024-fall-webinar-series 


What Can I Say? Disclosure of Student Disability Informationin Higher Education

Jamie Axelrod, Northern Arizona University


As higher education disability practitioners, we know that respecting the confidentiality ofstudents’ disability information is important for many reasons, including maintaining studenttrust and autonomy. However, privacy is not guaranteed in the ADA or Section 504, and it canbe confusing to know where FERPA and HIPAA apply (and where they don’t!) in our work. Thiswebinar will address how disability professionals might handle some common student privacydilemmas including: 

requests from faculty to know specifics about a student's disability requests from administrators for DRC office data that include student names and disability/accommodation information communication about students' accommodation needs to offsite placements such asstudent teaching, internships, clinicals, etc. classroom or residential disability disclosures that affect other students' behavior, suchas allergies to scents, peanuts, etc. requests for disclosure of student disability information for campus safety concerns(seizure disorder, risk of self-harm, etc.) or Behavioral Intervention/Care Teams. Plenty of time will be reserved for Q&A from attendees.

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