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Fall 2024 Webinar Series presented by The Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Full schedule can be found here: https://www.ahead.org/events-programming/webinars/2024-fall-webinar-series 


Grounded Practice: Guiding Principles for Making DecisionsRegarding Access and Accommodations

Melanie Thornton, University of Arkansas - Partners for Inclusive Communities


As professionals working at the intersection of disability and higher education, we often findourselves feeling pressure to keep up with the latest court cases and OCR guidance, whichsometimes can feel contradictory or overwhelming to the layperson. Do we have to be soreliant on all of these individual decisions to provide access and avoid discrimination? Is itpossible to instead operate from guiding principles that keep us consistent with the intentionof the ADA and other civil rights laws? In this session, we’ll start by looking at a set ofguidelines that make up the basic foundation of the civil rights laws those cases are based on.We’ll then use those guidelines to analyze some scenarios and determine the best course ofaction that will provide genuine and meaningful access for students while also keeping theinstitution consistently in compliance with the law.

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