Das Deutsche Haus (The German House) is a residential interest house which has five bedrooms and comfortably houses an average of seven residents and one Resident Assistant. In addition to the student speakers, a language assistant also resides in Das Deutsche Haus. The language assistant is a resident of Germany and spends the full academic year working with the German department to promote and assist students in learning the German language. This house focuses on German culture-oriented interests.
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401 Cypress Avenue, Walla Walla WA 99362
https://www.whitman.edu/campus-life/residence-life/interest-houses/das-deutsche-hausDas Deutsche Haus (The German House) is a residential interest house which has five bedrooms and comfortably houses an average of seven residents and one Resident Assistant. In addition to the student speakers, a language assistant also resides in Das Deutsche Haus. The language assistant is a resident of Germany and spends the full academic year working with the German department to promote and assist students in learning the German language. This house focuses on German culture-oriented interests.
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Friday, October 14, 2016 8:58 am